Essential Summer House Cleaning Tips

When we are lucky enough to get some extended periods of warm and sunny weather, although it’s a great time of the year to spend some time outside, summertime still presents us with a few challenges to tackle to keep your house and patio clean and tidy.

Here is our advice for staying organised throughout the summer.

Laundry and utility room

Summertime often means that your washing machine will be kept busy. With grass stained shorts or skirts or tops smothered in ice cream or sun protection lotion, not to mention sandy or sweaty clothes from days out at the beach, it’s important to keep your utility room clean, organised and ready for load after load of washing.

Be sure to keep an eye on empty bottles and boxes of detergent that may build up and make sure to recycle what you can.


As temperatures start to rise, this is the ideal time to pay extra attention to keeping your kitchen nice and clean. In hot weather, your bin can quickly start to smell, so be sure to empty it regularly and give it a good scrub down before you start to fill it again to keep odours to a minimum. Also be sure to pay special attention to your fridge and freezer, oven and microwave to help prevent any stinky reminders in your kitchen.

Pantry and food cupboards

It’s always a good idea to ruthlessly clear out your pantry every now and then. We all buy foods that remains untouched or lose track of expiration dates. Be sure to look through all food cupboards and dispose of anything that’s no longer in date or won’t get eaten. Once you have cleared some space, it’s then much easier to take care of any crumbs or food debris that have been collecting for some time.

Bedrooms and living spaces

Your house can quickly get stuffy, so when you are at home, make sure to open windows to let the fresh air in. In your bedroom, air out your bed sheets in the day so they are fresher at night-time.


To prevent hard-water stains and mildew, wipe down any surfaces that get wet after you have used them. We also recommend throwing out any empty shampoo, conditioner, shower gel or moisturiser bottles to prevent a build-up of clutter.

Throughout summer, remind anyone who uses your bathroom to keep a window open when they bathe or shower to prevent a build up of humidity as this creates a perfect environment for mould to form.

Professional cleaning services

If you are in need of a little extra help with your cleaning this summer, call Domestique on 01727 808 710 to arrange the ideal service for you. Free up more of your time to enjoy the summer!