The Parts of the House We’re Guilty of Neglecting

Most people would agree that keeping your home clean and tidy can be very time consuming, so it’s no surprise that we look for some extra help from a house cleaning company, as well as following useful little tips to help make jobs faster and more palatable. However, there’s no denying that we can all cut corners – there are certain areas of the house that are often left of the list of chores.

In practically every home, there are certain areas that are frequently ignored when it comes to cleaning. Some of them are parts of the house that are hidden from guests, but surprisingly, some things that we neglect to clean as often as we should are very much on show!

We’ve listed some of the parts of the house that get forgotten most – some may surprise you.

Door knobs and light switches

Many of us don’t think to clean door knobs and light switches, certainly not more than once or twice a year, but it’s important to consider that they could be harbouring a number of different types of bacteria and germs. We transfer germs from our hands when we open or close a door, or turn a light on or off, whilst picking up germs at the same time.

Tip: Wipe down your door knobs and light switches with a mild cleaning product regularly.

Cupboard tops

Out of sight and out of mind! For the majority of us, we can’t see the tops if cupboards, so it doesn’t occur to us how much dust and bacteria is collecting there. If you can’t reach the top of cupboards, be sure to use step ladders to safely access them with your duster.

Indoor bins

It’s easy to forget about cleaning household bins – we simply throw in our rubbish and walk away, but bins are a breeding ground for bacteria. Whilst we line our bins with bags, traces of food and liquid always find their way out to contaminate the inside of the bin. The inside of a bin lid is the worst culprit for collecting mould, mildew and bacteria.

Tip: Every time you empty the bin, use disinfecting wipes. Be sure to deep clean the bin once a month; rinse it out with warm water and soap, either outside or in the bath or shower, then wipe down with all-purpose cleaner and dry with paper towels. Baking soda works as a great deodoriser, so sprinkle some in the bottom of the bin.

Kitchen sink

Studies suggest that there’s more E. coli in a kitchen sink than in the toilet after it has been flushed – bacteria thrives in the wet atmosphere and discarded food particles of a kitchen sink. You should clean your kitchen sink daily with a kitchen disinfectant.

Bed pillows

It’s not good to think that the place where we rest our head each night is home to so much dead skin that has rubbed off, drool, and of course an abundance of dust mites. We wash our pillowcases, but many of us neglect the pillow inside. Be sure to wash your pillows twice a year.

Tip: Most pillows are machine washable, but be sure to read the instructions. Wash two pillows at a time, using a gentle detergent and run through a heavy cycle. If you have a dryer, a useful tip is to place the pillows in the dryer on a low heat, along with some tennis balls tied in sports socks – these help to beat moisture out. It’s essential to dry pillows until there is no moisture left as this can result in mould growth.

Computer keyboard

You may have heard that a computer keyboard has more bacteria than a toilet seat, yet most of us still neglect to clean it. Dust, crumbs, animal hair, grease and all manner of dirt can lead to a very grubby keyboard.

Tip: Compressed air helps to dislodge crumbs and hair from the keyboard. Once you have blown out the debris, use a specialist electronics-friendly cleaning spray.

If you feel like you are neglecting your home and find yourself with little time to yourself, or to spend with your family friends, call Domestique Hertfordshire today on 01727 808 710. Our friendly team will be happy to tailor a cleaning package to suit you.